
Please find a list of list of my publications by type, including links.

If you are unable to access any of my books or papers, please get in touch and I will send you an Open Access version.

Praise for Dramas at Westminster:

Dramas at Westminster tells us a great deal about the public and hidden power of select committees at a time when scrutiny is more vital than it has ever been.”

- LSE Review of Books

“Geddes’s research stands in a line of powerful and important works that have begun to change our understanding of how Westminster works, what MPs do, how they behave and, most importantly, the kind of ‘roles’ they perform.”

- Democratic Audit UK

“A lively and empathetic book.”

- Liam Laurence Smyth, Clerk of Legislation, House of Commons

“Highly engaging, original and rigorously researched … The book will be a key reference point for Parliamentary Studies”

- Political Studies Association, Awarding Panel for the Mackenzie Book Prize

Praise for Dramas at Westminster:“Dramas at Westminster tells us a great deal about the public and hidden power of select committees at a time when scrutiny is more vital than it has ever been.”- LSE Review of Books“Geddes’s research stands in a lin…


Last updated October 2023.


(2020) Dramas at Westminster: Select Committees and the Quest for Accountability. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Winner of the WJM Mackenzie Prize for Best Book Published in Political Science, 2021.

The book was reviewed for LSE Review of Books by Dr Ben Worthy (Birkbeck) and for Representation by Dr Tom Caygill (Newcastle).


(2022) 'Explaining Change in Legislatures: Dilemmas of managerial reform in the UK House of Commons'. Political Studies 70:1, pp.216-35. Co-author: A. Meakin.

(2021) 'The webs of belief around 'evidence' in legislatures: The case of select committees in the UK House of Commons'. Public Administration 99:1, pp.40-54.

(2020) 'Opening up evidence-based policy: exploring citizen and service user engagement', Evidence & Policy 16:2, pp.199-208. Co-authors: E. Stewart, J. Smith-Merry and J. Bandola-Gill.

This article is the editorial of a fully open access guest-edited special issue of Evidence & Policy by E. Stewart, J. Smith-Merry and M. Geddes.

(2020) 'Governing under Pressure? The Mental Wellbeing of Politicians', Parliamentary Affairs 73:2, pp253-73. Co-authors: J. Weinberg, A. Weinberg, M. Flinders and R. Kwiatkowski.

(2019) 'Performing Scrutiny along the Committee Corridor of the UK House of Commons', Parliamentary Affairs 72:4, pp.821-40.

(2019) 'The Explanatory Potential of 'Dilemmas': Bridging practices and power to understand political change in interpretive political science', Political Studies Review 17:3, pp.239-54.

(2018) 'Committee Hearings of the UK Parliament: Who gives evidence and does this matter?', Parliamentary Affairs 71:2, pp.283-304.

(2018) 'A Recipe for Impact? Exploring knowledge requirements in the UK Parliament and beyond', Evidence and Policy 14:2, pp.259-76. Co-authors: K. Dommett and B. Prosser.

(2014) ‘The Silent Revolution: A political history of the politics of patronage and reform’, Contemporary British History 28:1, pp.24-55. Co-author: M. Flinders.

Book chapters

(2020) ‘Democracy: Problems and challenges, opportunities and design’, in K. Larres and R. Wittlinger (eds.) Understanding Global Politics: Actors and themes in international affairs, London: Routledge. Co-author: M. Flinders.

(2018) ‘Towards an Interpretive Parliamentary Studies’, in J. Brichzin, D. Krichewsky, L. Ringel and J. Schank (eds.) The Sociology of Parliaments. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Co-author: R.A.W. Rhodes.

(2018) ‘Supporting Members and Peers’, in C. Leston-Bandeira and L. Thompson (eds.) Exploring Parliament, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Co-author: J. Mulley.

Policy reports

(2023) Good Evidence: How do select committees use evidence to support their work?. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh.

(2020) Evaluating Academic Engagement with UK Legislatures: Exchanging knowledge on knowledge exchange. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh. Co-author: D. Beswick.

(2016) A Recipe for Parliamentary Impact? An academic guide to effective engagement. Sheffield: Sheffield Solutions Policy Briefing. Co-authors: K. Dommett and B. Prosser.